Look to the night sky, for there is much to see.

Some will find stars, while others will see galaxies. Some will view the planets, and others will revel in the vastness of the universe. Its infinity is breathtaking… and frightening. One cannot help but feel minuscule compared to this infinite nothing, bright and full and beautiful as it is. It is easy to forget the real things: The stars. The planets. The galaxies. It is easy to forget their magnificence.

The stars are always there, of course, hanging above us like so many melancholic chandeliers begging our attention. Sometimes we just forget to look.

And they are beautiful.

Introducing CHANDELIERS, a new consortium

Begun with and supported by Albert Aguilar and the San Antonio Community Wind Ensemble (SACWE), Chandeliers is my deep dive into living with depression and anxiety and what it means to find beauty in life despite the challenges we face. This work, a spiritual successor to Broken Glass, will explore these themes in a lyrical work of moderate scope for concert band.

Ensemble Type: Concert Band

Duration: 12-15’

Difficulty: Grade 5

Delivery Date: Fall 2025

Consortium entry ends on October 31st, 2025. Entries after August 31st may not receive acknowledgment in the Version 1.0 score

For instrumentation details, see below

Joining Ensembles ($125)

Includes the following:

18-month performance exclusivity, to begin 1 day after the world premiere performance in the Fall of 2025

Performance rights to the work in perpetuity, regardless of future rental or publication status

Nonexclusive mechanical rights for 3 years, to begin 1 year after the world premiere performance in the Fall of 2025

Watermarked digital score and parts set

Need-Based Ensembles

The same benefits as Joining Ensembles, but at a reduced, need-based rate to be negotiated directly with the composer. This tier is intended for high schools and community organizations, but any ensemble may request need-based pricing with no questions asked.


All contributors will receive the following:

Acknowledgement in the score

Access to a downloadable audio copy of the world premiere of the Piece

1-hour guided rehearsal/discussion with the composer


Any contributor may add on either of the following:

Printed 11”x14” score only ($35)

Printed 9”x12” master parts set ($50)

Printed 11”x14” score AND 9”x12” parts set ($75)


Any individual may contact me for a digital score for their personal use and study. Minimum $5

Chandeliers Ensemble Membership
from $0.00



Timpani (4 Drums)

Percussion 1 - 8, including:


Crotales (1.5 octave, C4-G5)





ACME Nightingale Whistle

Bass Drum

Bongos (2)

Brake Drum w/ Bell Plate

China Cymbal


Crash Cymbal (Mounted)

Crystal Glasses (G, B)

Drum Set

Glass Chimes

Hi-Hat (Shared)

Mark Tree

Ride Cymbal (Shared)

Sizzle Cymbal

Snare Drum

Splash Cymbal

Suspended Cymbal


Tom-toms (2)



Wood Block

Z Bell



Flute 1, 2, & 3


Clarinet in B-flat 1, 2, 3, & 4

Bass Clarinet

Opt. Contrabass Clarinet

Bassoon 1 & 2

Soprano Sax

Alto Sax

Tenor Sax

Baritone Sax


Trumpet in B-flat 1, 2, & 3

Horn in F 1, 2, 3, & 4

Trombone 1 & 2

Bass Trombone






Teasers and Renders

Open in Youtube for a full playlist

The Music

Chandeliers is the embodiment of my love of any and all music. Going into this piece, I had no concept of what exactly I wanted except something that was bigger than any one idea. I wanted to evoke the ever-changing struggles of daily life with mental illness with music that doesn’t stay too grounded while also ensuring that the piece itself is coherent and thematically harmonious.

The piece is divided into four major sections. The first three define and conceptualize a specific psychological condition, including the general perception of said condition and how that has affected my life, and the fourth binds them all together in a way that I intend to evoke closure and harmony rather than the discord that will be present throughout much of the work.

I. Introduction :: Isolation

DEPRESSION: A persistent low mood or loss of interest. Everyone is sad sometimes, but depression’s characteristic feature lies in one word: Persistent. Individuals with depression have frequent, uncontrollable bouts of low mood and lack of interest that persist for weeks or months and often have seemingly benign triggers. I have gripes with the way people view depression, particularly those who believe that it can easily be fixed by going outside, exercising, getting more sleep, or other various things that, while they do have a documented positive effect on mood, are exceedingly difficult to do when one is severely depressed.

The worst part of my depression was always the feeling of being alone. I have a loving family and plenty of people who care about me, but it’s exceedingly difficult to see that support when your mind is bent on self-destruction. It’s a paradoxical combination of trying to hide from reality while simultaneously hoping that somebody can see what’s happening, but denying any problems when they do. Among this list, depression is unique in that people who have it are almost never open about it, and people who don’t often don’t know what to look for.

II. Urgency and Consequence

ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER: A condition characterized by persistent difficulty establishing and maintaining focus and concentration. While many people believe many absurd things about this condition (Everybody loses focus sometimes so it isn’t real, it doesn’t occur in adults, etc.), I believe that this stems from just how complicated it is and how little we truly understand it.

To put it very briefly, Individuals with ADHD experience the benefits of their work in different ways. While people with average executive function can usually perform a task based on reward or consequence, people with ADHD view tasks in terms of interest, novelty, and urgency. This means that tasks that are new and exciting are likely to be completed early, while other, less interesting tasks may not be done until the last minute. This is often falsely misattributed to laziness or procrastination. Most important here is the lack of reward as a motivating factor, meaning that the promise of a prize, money, or other benefit usually does not apply when considering why someone with ADHD may prioritize a specific task, which is a large part of why many people have such difficulty understanding it.

III. Unease

GENERALIZED ANXIETY: A condition characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry, generally without reason. While some anxiety is healthy and normal, individuals with anxiety are usually not able to perform important (and often straightforward) tasks, which affects quality of life. While this varies from person to person, this manifests in me most commonly as an inability to interact with new people, particularly if I cannot see them face to face, e.g. a phone call. It also prevents me from going places or doing things that I am not familiar with, and I have lost track of how many events or get-togethers I have canceled for this reason. What people may view as being “unreliable” or “flaky” is more accurately put as being anxious about the unknown.

IV. The Act of “Being”

After 25 years of this being their normal, how does one decide to seek assistance for these issues and try to create a new normal for themselves? When I sought treatment, I didn’t anticipate the years of relearning myself that I would have to undergo before I truly felt that I had overcome these issues to a satisfactory level. However, once I reached that point, I knew that my only regret was not doing it sooner.

More importantly, how can those who do not live with any of these conditions better support those who do?

The Story

Begun with and supported by Albert Aguilar and the San Antonio Community Wind Ensemble (SACWE), Chandeliers is my deep dive into living with depression and anxiety and what it means to find beauty in life despite the challenges we face. From October 2022 to February 2023, unbeknownst to me, I was living through the most severe depressive episode of my life. I was formally diagnosed with severe depression and generalized anxiety (on top of my existing combined-type ADHD) in March of 2023 and began treatment soon after. Broken Glass was written during this time, in January of 2023. To this day, it remains one of my most difficult and sincere pieces. It is an exploration of rock bottom that I wrote at rock bottom.

Though I didn’t realize it at the time, I was expressing my feelings in the piece that, no matter what I did, it would fail and everybody around me was just watching me fall, glad that it wasn’t them… much like one does if a waiter drops a glass in a restaurant. To this day I have not talked about this time openly, not even to my own family. Those who have experienced these hardships almost certainly understand this feeling and will probably also understand that I will likely never do so. They are painful memories and powerful emotions that drove me to my deepest lows, but also led to the decisions that define who I am today, almost two years later at the time of writing.

The idea that struggles, no matter how difficult, are temporary, and that there are beauty and reason in all things has been a motivator for me. I have always been a lover of beauty in simplicity. I love things that serve a purpose but also act as an example of the best that they can be. Sure, I mean physical objects like backpacks or pens and pencils, but I also believe in my personal drive to find fulfillment in being the best, most straightforward version of myself. I believe that, for my wife and for my children, the best person that I can be is someone who is deep and knowledgeable but not complicated. Of course, I struggle and fight every day against the person that I was, but every day is a new opportunity to be the best person that I can be. Chandeliers uses imagery of desolation and disaster (inspired by my love of arctic exploration and literature) as an allusion to our struggles to rise above these forces.

Join Chandeliers

To Join, fill out the form below or see the above item for purchase directly from the website. Please allow me up to 5 business days to respond with a member contract