a Subterranean Expedition

for Solo Multi-Percussionist (Advanced)

c. 5’00”

Composed November 2023 - January 2024

I have, to the best of my recollection, never actually been underground. Aside from the usual basements, amusement park rides, and various other manmade subterranean structures, but the caves, caverns, mines, and grottos of the world remain unfamiliar to me. Despite this fact, I have had a bit of a draw to them lately for a variety of reasons. I think that it was my recent obsession with liminal and uninhabited spaces, a fascination with the Mines of Moria during my first reading of The Lord of the Rings, and a brief stint of consuming all of the Donkey Kong 64 speedruns that I could find that brought my mind into the dark underground and kept it captive there until something finally was put to paper.

While I like the idea of exploring underground, I see little no to possibility of any sort of serious subterranean expedition in my future. Because of this, most of my perception of these strange worlds comes from fiction and media. DRIP was the first sound that I imagined when I started this piece. When I think of a cave, I think of the pervasive drip drip of water from the ceiling, and the brief, staggered sounds of the earth and its unknown inhabitants. While writing this piece I had a very simple goal: Transcribe this feeling, but not necessarily the actual sounds, into an auditory reflection of my imagined subterranean world.

Notable Performances:




Splash Cymbal

China Cymbal

Ride Cymbal

Temple Blocks (5)


Snare Drum


Kick Drum

Crotales (Opt.)

Vibraphone (4-octave preferred, optional part for 3.5-octave instrument is offered)